I would like to share with you a little background information about the creation of the "Azteca Catering" logo. I had an image in my mind of something that represented the Aztec Culture, while also being fun, happy and a good representation of prosperity. I was traveling though different places in the South of Mexico after being in Mexico City and visited the exhibition “Teotihuacan. Ciudad de los Dioses” (Teotihuacan, City of Gods) in the National Museum of Anthropology.
I realize that the Ozomantli was the best representation. The meaning of the Ozomantli- monkey from the Aztec Culture; it is a great representation of prosperity, the abundance of fruits and vegetables for the animal kingdom. It also represents the 15Th month in the Aztec Calendar. The beginning of Fall season. It is happy and fun. I also think he brings good vibes to anyone that seems it. Ozomantli can be found in the Mayan culture too.
MONO -OZOMANTLI: 17 de septiembre – 04 de octubre
Entra la estación de otoño, comienza a caer de los árboles las hojas; nuevamente la gente se prepara para recibir el helado invierno. El mono se encuentra en reproducción para preservar la especie, favorecido por la abundancia de frutales. Ozomantli representa prosperidad, ademas de ser alegre y traer una buena vibra..
I knew I wanted to have the Ozomantli as my logo.
I knew I had to find the right designer that could understand what the Ozomantli meant to me. I met several people and spoke with many, but it wasn't until I arrived to my sacred place in Zipolite, Oaxaca, Mexico that I found the person who would help me create my symbol. I met this special woman, Yolanda Paramio, who is originally from Madrid, and my idea took its shape after we talked about the concept for hours. I found that she was the perfect person to develop my idea. I gave her a picture and we started gathering information about Aztec & Mayan symbols and their meanings. She understood that my love for my heritage and folklore was the key to driving my energy to create the "Azteca Catering" Logo-TM
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